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It’s dictation
made easy
Keyhouse Digital Dictation puts an end to the cost and hassle of working with old technology, eliminating all the time and money going to waste on archaic, inefficient, recording and handheld dictation devices that need to be physically passed to a secretary. It can be tailored to the needs of your firm or department and is very easy to use in the office, at home, when travelling – wherever in the world you are.
Key Features & Benefits
- Greater productivity as a result of faster document turnaround. When you finish the dictation, the file is sent instantly to your secretary
- As the dictation is digital you can edit and insert effortlessly
- Prioritise dictation jobs so they appear at the top of the queue
- An on-screen “work in progress” facility that allows you keep track of all dictations
- Run reports to determine what work has been completed and what’s still outstanding
- Jobs can be moved between secretaries if required
- High-quality digital audio ensures greater clarity, which leads to increased accuracy and higher secretarial productivity
- Dictation can be recorded remotely and sent to the office instantly
- Integrates with Microsoft Word for ease of use
- Can be implemented on a standalone basis or integrated with all other Keyhouse applications (such as SAM Accounts). By integrating the software with our Case Management system, you can dictate directly to a case account so your secretary knows immediately what matter it relates to

From you to your PC to your support team – that’s it
Our system simplifies the dictation process by by integrating Keyhouse Case Management with Digital Dictation. Just select your case in Keyhouse and begin dictatating. The system will immediately send the dictated file to the case and your secretary. It’s smart, simple and easy to use.
Digital Dictation
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